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Nr 4(4) (2020): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Dwutorowe podejście społeczności międzynarodowej do programu nuklearnego Iranu jako przykład dyplomacji koersywnej

April 2, 2021


In 2002 information that the Islamic Republic of Iran was secretly developing nuclear technologies was released. Actions taken by the ayatollah’s regime were contrary to the agreement on the peaceful use of nuclear energy (1957). Since then, the nuclear program has become the main determinant of the relationship between Iran and the international community. Steps taken to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state are an example of the use of coersive diplomacy, known as threatening diplomacy. The tactic used mainly by three entities in the international arena (USA, UN, EU) is described as the „carrot and stick” method and consists of the simultaneous use of coercive tools (economic sanctions, time pressure or the threat of using military forces) and a system of incentives and promises. In this paper, the author considers the theoretical aspects related to coersive diplomacy and presents the steps taken towards Iran by the international community. She also tries to answer the question about the effectiveness of the solutions applied in the context of the 2015 JCPOA agreement.