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Nr 3(3) (2020): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Nieantykobiecy dyskurs społeczności manosfery

April 13, 2021


This article attempts to show the diversity of discourse of the manosphere community. The causes and the process of the separation of the manosphere community are a continuation of the men’s rights movement created, among others, in response to the rapid changes in contemporary society. Although the origins of the men’s rights movement have nothing to do with anti-feminism or sexism, a large part of the manosphere represents such attitudes, which are directly reflected in the discourse it creates. The growing hatred in the language of the manosphere is a consequence of the freedom that
communication on the Internet allows, as well as of radical feminist movements that are increasingly mainstreaming into mass culture as ‚proper’ ones. Many works have been produced to prove the anti-feminist, androcentric and even misogynist nature of the manosphere, but the manosphere as a community is quite diverse. This analysis of the manosphere’s discourse aims to find such threads or statements which, while representing attitudes in line with e.g. Masculinism or traditional values, do not contain critical or exclusionary attitudes towards women and are thus conceptually closer to the origins of the men’s rights movement.