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Nr 1(1) (2020): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Ograniczanie praw człowieka podczas kryzysu uchodźczego w Grecji (2014-2019) na podstawie analizy raportów Human Rights Watch

  • Kamila Rezmer-Płotka
April 8, 2021


It is assumed that the so-called the refugee crisis began in 2015 with a particularly intense influx of this group to the borders of Europe. One of the countries most affected by the problems related to the phenomenon of an increased influx of refugees was and still is Greece. Due to the crisis, the organizations and institutions responsible for monitoring the respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals began to raise doubts related to issues such as human rights violations or counteracting terrorism. The study used the method of source analysis, which was applied to reports from 2015 to 2020, prepared by one of the most important non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection of human rights in the world, namely Human Rights Watch, which produces annual reports on migration and asylum policy of countries European Union. The reports also include information on issues of discrimination and intolerance as well as on counterterrorism. The aim of the study is to check what actions in the feld of limiting human rights have been taken by public administration entities, in relation primarily to refugees, but also citizens in general. The research problem is the violations of human rights in the period 2014-2019 in the surveyed country indicated by Human Rights Watch. The content analysis of the reports focused primarily on the part devoted to Greece, as this country was most affected by the crisis related to the reception of the incoming population from different regions of the world, as evidenced by the launch of EU aid for Greece and Italy as the frontline countries. The study used the category of militant democracy, which allows for the theoretical validation of the research and explanation of the activity undertaken by this state in relation to refugees.