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Nr 1(1) (2020): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Polityka Unii Europejskiej wobec zjawiska uchodźctwa w dobie kryzysu migracyjnego

March 24, 2021


The European Union’s refugee policy started to develop after the migration crisis in the beginning of the 21st century. In that perspective the refugee issue became the main topic in a public debate in the European Union which divided Member States for supporters and oppo-nents of the common migration and asylum policy for the whole organization. Article presents an issue of the European Union’s migration and asylum policy which was implemented because of the mass incoming of migrants and refugees to the Europe. That situation intensifed in 2015 after the beginning the conflict in Syria. The article is theoretic and explanatory. Realization of that purpose required using typical methods for social science - docu-ment and literature analysis. The investigations of documents and literature allowed to present the European Union’s common migration and asylum policy as well as the Member States’ domestic policy. In the article there was an analysis of the chosen EU legislation and regulations which decide about the protection of the rights of refugees, the rules of admitting and relocation refuges by the European Union’s Member States as well as collaboration and action to protect the rights of refugees.