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Nr 2(18) (2024): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Odpowiedź na artykuł „Operacje informacyjne w ramach komunikacji strategicznej elementem bezpieczeństwa państwa” autorstwa Mateusza Czekały i Grzegorza Parola

December 28, 2024


The purpose of this paper is to propose a complementary perspective of selected issues presented in an extraordinary article Information Operations as an element of state security published in Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal (vol. 1(17), p. 87-103) and to engage in polemics with a viewpoint toward some of the presented topics. In addition, the authors of this response set out to explain the context of chosen components of the aforementioned text; there are certain issues in it discussed – due to professional background – from a security perspective that may disturb the clarity of intended reception for a number of readers. It is understandable that both structure and editorial requirements (including the adequate text length) imply a range of limitations to the researchers; thus, an intention behind this paper is, before starting a dispute with some of the thesis, an attempt to fill up the key information and exhaust the topic.