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Nr 3(15) (2023): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Poczucie koherencji oraz style radzenia sobie ze stresem jako predyktor zachowań zdrowotnych wpływających na poziom bezpieczeństwa

December 26, 2023


Security, especially military security, is a state that gives a sense of certainty and a guarantee of its preservation and is ensured especially by the armed forces – soldiers. There are professions that are associated with above-average levels of both health and psychological costs. Without any doubt, this group includes the profession of soldier. Soldiers are exposed to enormous stress while on duty, and maintaining an appropriate mental condition has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the activities they undertake, including combat activities, which affect our level of safety. The ability to cope with stress in the event of a threat is important, not only for the health of participants, but above all, it has a significant impact on the level of collective safety. Military service involves constant improvement of one’s skills. It was noticed that an effective commander is a specialist in both military operations and combat stress. A commander whose actions affect not only the safety of the soldier, but also the safety of a given society. All the more so because the leader is largely responsible for alleviating operational stress in his soldiers; therefore, he cannot remain indifferent to the causes and consequences of combat stress. The authors of this article aimed to analyze the level of sense of coherence and styles of coping with stress among soldiers.