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Nr 3(15) (2023): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Od modernizmu do współczesności – kontrowersje bioetyczne jako wyzwanie etyki religijnej (wybrane przykłady)

December 26, 2023


The objective of this discussion is an attempt to recall that already in Polish modernism, in the work of Tadeusz Miciński (1873-1918), the idea of modifying the human phenotype was signaled. Contemporary times offer the possibility of its partial (for the time being) realization. That is why it is worth confronting this idea with the foundations of religious ethics represented by the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. It is also worth recalling the concerns that Jürgen Habermas (b. 1929) raises about the possibility of the unrestrained development of genetic engineering. Being a secular thinker, the German philosopher analyzes the ethical dangers of liberal eugenics and, in this way, opens up the search for a consensus with religious ethics.